Learning to protect you and your dog against charging and attacking dogs is not as difficult as it sounds.  It starts with being able to remain calm because you are educated and have developed a game plan.

In conjunction with Brisbane City Council, Hamilton Ward, we want to ensure that you are equipped with the information and tools on how to prevent an attack or what to do if you are attacked.  Most of all, we want to keep you, your family, and your pets safe.  This seminar will help you with:

Being Prepared

  • Importance of training your dog
  • Putting together a survival walking kit (gifts to take home)

Is that dog Friend or Foe?

  • Stepping out with confidence
  • Understanding dog body language

What to do if Attacked

  • Process to follow when a dog is charging
  • How to use the items in your walking kit
  • Practical skills to intervene and break up a fight
  • Protecting you and/or your dog

Steps to follow after an attack

  • Basic first aid
  • Information to collect from witness
  • State & local dog laws
  • Authorities to be contacted


Justin Palazzo-Orr is a highly skilled and experienced individual who has been working in pet training and behavioural enrichment for over seven years including developing training and enrichment frameworks for the RSPCA.  His acting background always provides an entertaining and memorable training experience.


To book, or more information visit: https://pawsandrelax.com.au/events/
or email: train@pawsandrelax.com.au   Telephone:  (07) 3157 8990


Date, Time and Venue
  • 24/03/2018
  • 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Paws & Relax

    3/112 Fison Ave West,

    Eagle Street, 4009

  • Google Map
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